Thursday, October 27, 2016

It has been 2 years I left this blog unseen. i just want to have a quick but meaningful update about my life so that the future me will re-read again and say"ah this stupid girl wrote useless things about her life. such an idiot" and i will delete it instantly without any hesitant.

Life was quite challenging these days. I never thought being an adult is about completely into commitment. I have graduated from high schools. moved on from my 5 years crush x jadi lol. got into university and I quit halfway. like literally halfway. but I continue in other place anyway. it is not that I really quit but I just started something new. the 'new" i mention doesnt mean it is good but actually it is opposite in some way.

I hate this new place.

I hate this phase.

I hate growing up so fast.

I hate everyone.

I'm going to be honest. The moment I started my first class ever in my foundation year, i knew it will be a mentally tiring. everyone here is good but i just feeling like this place is not belong to me. the most worst, terrible, nightmare thing was, I need to take physics for 2 semester. HECK. I just realised that I am in the phase that once I opted to do something, I cannot stop and start all over again. I AM 19 I FEEL OLD T_T

why physics are a big concern for me is because I never score this subject. I just don't get it why I have to calculate the speed of apple falling down from a tree like for god sake???? it'd nothing to do with me. I never get an A or B or C. D and E was normal grade i got in high school. I don't know why people especially my parents still see the potential in me about physics. i just tired and give up internally.

Doing something you hate the most is a battle war between yourself and your brain. everytime I tried to be optimist, my brain froze and suddenly got blank. MY BRAIN cant be fed by the physics equation and calculation. physics are all about logic and numbering. AND I AM NOT.

If only i can dropped this class, I would be the number one registered for it.

i'm not a logic person.

I didn't like the class.

so many reasons I can justify why i hate physics and my foundation year. I'd no choice.
I pray for myself everyday.
and i get tired of receiving my terrible marks for  each test i took.
me, myself is so tired mentally and physically. the only thing I can do is surviving everyday.